Jeep Wave Day 2014



May 7th every year is your chance to spread the word about the #JeepWave. Yes, every day should be Jeep Wave Day, but we all know how frustrating it is to see another Jeep, throw out your hand, and get nothing but a blank stare in return. So, we aim to change that!

Last year, through social media, Jeep events, and personal interactions, we estimate that they word about Jeep Wave Day reached 6,000+ people. The year before, we reached more than 5,000 people. So, we’re ambitious and shooting to reach more than 10,000 this year and we think that should be easy. But, we’ll need everyone’s help!

We’ve only got a week left until Jeep Wave Day!

Please share with your social media connects on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and anything else we haven’t caught up with yet! Sharing pictures is great, linking people to this post, and #Hashtags always spread awareness #JeepWaveDay2014

Thanks to all the loyal followers and those who are always throwing out the Jeep Wave!


Crawlin' For A Cure 2013

Crawling 2012

The annual Crawl for a Cure event takes place this Saturday in Eagle, Colorado.  We’ll be there live-tweeting the event if anyone is feeling bored on a Saturday night and wants to follow along on Twitter, you can check it out here: @Jeepwaves

This event focuses on raising money and awareness for Breast Cancer prevention.  We’ve got a special pink Jeep Wave Sticker available in VERY limited quantities.  2o% of the sales will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation as well as the standard 10% donation to the Wounded Warriors Fund.  Availability and a way to purchase coming soon!

Go Topless Day 2013


Go Topless Day is on Saturday May 18th this year and we will once again be joining the South Park 4×4 Club in the highest in elevation event in the world.  We’ll be up 2 miles high in Leadville, Colorado. This pic is from a few years ago in 2011, but as you can see, it’s a good group that gets to see some great views – rain or shine on Go Topless Days.

If you’re in Colorado, feel free to check out the SP4x4 event page on Facebook HERE and join in on the fun.  If you’re not close enough to come out and play, let us know in the comments if you’re doing your own thing this Saturday and be sure to share pics going topless AND Jeep Waving!

National Jeep Wave Day 2013

National Jeep Wave Day 2013

The second annual National Jeep Wave Day is May 7th, 2013…and that’s just around the corner.  For those who don’t know, we’re trying to have a day to celebrate our Jeeps and promote the Jeep Wave.  With more and more Jeep drivers out there every day, we need to make sure everyone knows about the wave.

Last year, we spread the word to over 5,000 Jeepers via Facebook, Twitter, and word of mouth.  This year, we’re gonna need your help again to share with social networks, Jeep clubs, and Jeep friends around the world.  Throw that #JeepWaveDay hash tag out on Twitter, share posts on Facebook, and don’t forget to wave to all the Jeeps you can see on May 7th.

Feel free to link back to the blog here if you want to share around the web with your Jeep friends!  linkback: Jeep Wave Day 2013